The 7 Benefits of Temporary Employment
- January 14, 2020
Temporary employment, or ‘temping’ is one of the fastest-growing sections on the job market – why is this?
Once considered to be only for students, or people between jobs, temp work has taken off in the last few years, as people from all sectors and at all stages in their career realise the benefits of this flexible working style.
Employees are now taking on temporary employment for a variety of reasons – to help during a career change, to fit around your studies, for flexibility when starting a family or looking after young children, or when you are looking for a more permanent job but haven’t found the right one yet.
If you have been considering temp work but aren’t sure if it’s right for you – these seven benefits of temp work should be able to help you to decide.
1. Gaining New Skills
The job market is constantly changing. Clients frequently contact us with roles which require new and emerging skills, especially in commercial divisions. To fill these roles, we need employees who love to learn new skills and are looking for a challenge.
Taking on temp work in an area that you are unfamiliar with is an excellent way to build up your skills repertoire, as increasingly, employers are looking for candidates with transferrable skills. Candidates with a broader range of skills from temping are often looked on more favourably for specific roles than candidates with a more limited skill-set due to being in the same position for many years.
2. Experience
As well as new soft and hard skills, temp work allows employees to gain new experiences, both personally and professionally.
Temp work can take you into organisations you never thought you would be a part of, and allows you to meet new people and experience different roles within different sectors. Working for a few different well-respected companies makes your CV instantly more impressive to employers.
3. Career Change
Speaking of experience, many people utilise temp work when they are in the middle of a career change. Temping is a great way to experience roles that you have you been interested in for a while, without being tied into a permanent contract.
You might find that the job or sector you thought you wanted to get into isn’t the right fit for you; likewise, you could be pleasantly surprised by a position you had not have otherwise been aware of.
4. Flexibility
Choosing temp work gives you control over your life that those in permanent positions don’t have. If you’re in a transitionary period, are figuring out what to do next, or fancy seeing more of the world – temping allows you to do this.
You decide the hours that you are available and the period that you want to work for – there are a variety of different temp contracts so you can choose one to fit your requirements.
5. A ‘Way In’
For those who are looking to get into a particular sector but have not been able to find a permanent job – temping is a great way to get your foot in the door and meet industry connections: to build your network.
Some sectors are very competitive, and with high volumes of applicants for each role, those with temp experience will have much more of a chance of being considered when a permanent position becomes available.
6. Time Out
Work-related stress and burnout are on the rise. The number of new cases of work-related stress, depression and anxiety in 2019 was 246,000 – an incidence rate of 740 per 100,000 employees.
Increasingly, people now realise the importance of managing workloads and not trying to battle on through when you are struggling.
Taking a career break from your long-term career is a great way to manage stress, and temp work can fit into this perfectly. If you decide on having a year out from your job, intending to carry on or change your role slightly when you return, taking on temporary employment is a great way to help tide you over while you figure out your plan for the future.
7. Your Rights are Covered!
Some employees are reluctant to explore temporary work as an option because they believe that temp workers are not afforded as many rights as permanent employees.
But this is not the case.
Temp workers are protected both by law and by the contracts that your recruiter negotiates with your new employer to ensure that your rights as an employee are protected and so that you are not treated any differently to permanent staff.
Have you been considering temp work? Whether you need something fast to cover a period coming up, or you are thinking about a career change and are exploring your options for the future – we can help.
We specialise in temporary contracts and have a range of positions to suit you – get in touch with our team today to find out more about the roles we have available.
About Clayton Recruitment
Clayton Recruitment has been partnering with organisations across the country since 1989, and during that time has built up an excellent reputation for trust and reliability.
With specialist divisions covering Commercial, Financial, Industrial, and Engineering appointments, on both a permanent and temporary basis. If you are looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.
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