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The Job Offer – Next Steps

  • June 27, 2023

You’ve just received that long-awaited phone call or email offering you the job – and the feeling of accomplishment and excitement will no doubt wash over you, as you envision yourself thriving in your new position and share the news with family and friends. The news of a job offer is certainly one worth celebrating, especially if the process has been particularly long-winded or time-consuming, but the jubilations are just part of what’s involved in making a smooth transition from your current role to a new one.

Taking a momentary step back and some time to prepare for this transition phase is important, especially as there are key milestones and activities to take care of before you embark on day one of the new role.

Review the offer in detail

In most cases, an offer of employment is delivered via a phone call, or video and is classed as a ‘verbal offer’. And, whilst you may feel you need to give an immediate response when discussing the role face to face, it may be prudent to say thank you, indicate you are excited about the proposition, and ask when the firm would like a response by.

You will need some time to review the offer of employment in full, especially as the intricacies and any T&Cs will be sent via a more formal written document for you to review.

The ‘written offer’ should detail things such as salary, benefits including holiday entitlement, bonuses and working arrangements. If anything is missing or you need clarity, don’t be afraid of reaching back out to the contact at the firm to ask for this information.

Communicate With Your Specialist Recruiter

If you have used the services of a recruitment agency in the process of looking for a new role, you will find that offer management is one of the key areas where this relationship will really pay off. At this point, your recruiter will have a good idea of your non-negotiables concerning things like remuneration, benefits package, and preferred working arrangements. Good recruiters will also have conducted a deep dive at the start of the process into what career progression looks like in the medium- and long-term, and the credentials of an employer that are a good fit with you culturally.

It may be that the recruiter is the one that communicates the offer with you directly – but either way, talking it over, comparing what the T&Cs look like compared to your initial requirements is always easier when you have a specialist to talk through options of what happens next – whether that’s acceptance, reject, or entering into negotiations.

Recruitment Process Pipeline – Closing Things Off

After a review of the offer and any necessary negotiation, if you have reached the exciting decision to accept, it’s best practice to inform any other recruiters or contacts at law firms you are interviewing with that you are duly pulling out of the recruitment process with themselves.

It shouldn’t have to take up too much of your time, but a simple email or call advising that you have accepted an offer elsewhere will suffice and means that everyone is kept in the loop in the spirit of transparency and good manners.

You may also at this stage wish to review any live CV’s you have with things like job boards online, or switch off your ‘open to work’ banner on LinkedIn – if nothing else than to avoid being contacted about other roles in this period as you focus on the one in question.

That being said, it is wise to avoid changing your actual job status online until you have started with your new employer.

Giving Your Notice & Handline Your Current Employer

On the subject of notice periods…should it be applicable to you, they are an aspect of your exit process that you can’t afford to neglect, as you will likely still have obligations to fulfil and a job to do in ensuring you leave a lasting (good) impression on colleagues and managers. Some mutual respect and diplomacy on your part should help avoid a tricky situation and a messy end to your time there. The following tips can help to manage the responsibilities involved in the process:

  • Be respectful when giving your notice. A long list of your employer’s shortcomings will do nothing to make your exit process easier and will burn bridges faster than you can say ‘gasoline’. Have a face-to-face conversation with your direct manager first before relaying the news to anyone else, outlining what has led to your decision to leave and the finer details involved in their leaver process, before following up in writing.
  • Help prepare for your departure through a thorough handover. Giving clear and detailed instructions on where and how best to pick up from where you left off, even on caseloads or projects that are ongoing will go a long way in demonstrating your professionalism to your employer and will make the transition smoother for your successor.
  • Your workload may decrease as you hand over cases and cease to take on new ones. However, under no circumstances should you slack off. You didn’t start your time with the firm that way, so don’t end it that way.

Counteroffers: What To Do If One Is On The Table?

Receiving a counteroffer from your current employer may seem like a dream come true. You hand in your notice and then the managing partners at your firm offer you a pay rise and a host of concessions that you had only dreamed about until now. Wonderful! No need to move after all.

Unfortunately, counteroffers are not the solution they often appear to be at first, and yet, statistics show that only 5% of all counteroffers are declined. Considering firms are doing everything they can to hold onto talent, rather than replace it, in a market filled with uncertainty, is a counteroffer really the answer to your prayers?

Only you can answer that. Think long and hard before accepting a counteroffer. Will this counteroffer help you achieve your personal or professional goals? Will it remove the doubts you had about your future with the firm? Will extra cash in the pay packet compensate for an unhelpful culture and work environment or the lack of time available for the family for most of the week? If your answers to these questions are not hard and fast ‘Yeses’, politely declining the offer may be better.

Preparing For Your Next Challenge – Rest and Reset

In addition to the practical aspects of the preparation you’ll likely already have done for day one of your new job, getting yourself in the right frame of mind in order to hit the ground running is also crucial. Whether you take some time off for a holiday or just use a weekend between roles to recharge, allow yourself time to mentally disengage from your previous job. If you’re struggling to settle the nerves, reflecting on any work highlights of your previous role, and how this has helped to make you the successful candidate can be a good confidence booster. Arriving with a positive, can-do attitude can and will make all the difference to your first day and beyond.

The Best Job Offer? The One That’s Best For You

Ultimately, the best job offer is one that meets your needs – and it is likely that you had a list of requirements (including non-negotiables) when you started the process. How does the offer compare?

Is the remuneration package in line with what you were looking for? Does the role allow you to work three days a week? Can you work from home or from a regional office, rather than a central HQ if that was your preference? You are in the best position to answer those questions and find the right path for you, yet a specialist recruiter could be the guide you need to get you there.

So, if you’re struggling to get the offers you want, need some guidance around offer negotiation, or have rejected the offer on the table and are starting the process again – we can help.


About Clayton Recruitment

Clayton Recruitment has been partnering with organisations across the country since 1989 and during that time has built up an excellent reputation for trust and reliability.

With specialist divisions covering Commercial, Financial, and Engineering appointments, on a permanent basis.

If you are building your existing team or looking for your next career move, we can help. And, if you are currently employed, you can be assured of complete confidentiality, professionalism, and honesty throughout the process – as standard.

Click here to speak to one of our experienced specialists or call 01772 259121 for more information on how our exceptional recruitment experience can help your career aspirations.

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Active Jobseekers: How to Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse

  • October 13, 2022

Attracting and hiring the most suitable candidates for your business is becoming an increasingly complex process across many sectors, particularly with the much-documented ‘skills-shortage’ to content with. And, in the age of the “Great Resignation” when indicatively hundreds of thousands of people are ‘on the move’ according to the Labour Force Survey, the great talent paradox facing HR and hiring professionals is actually in filling their vacancies – easier said than done in a post-pandemic market where active jobseekers have grown more discerning about where, how, and when they want to work.

This shift has meant, by proxy, today’s top talent has endless opportunities for employment, not just from local businesses, but global teams hiring remote employees.

Yet a much documented skills-short market, and a seemingly permanent loss of talent from the labour force means that even despite more flexibility from employers, future employees need to feel ‘wowed’ to have their heads turned.

To thrive in this competitive landscape, business leaders need to know how to create the most compelling job offers, in order to stand out to the most suitable candidates.

The question is, as employee preferences and priorities continue to evolve, how do you ensure your job offer has the right impact? Here are some of the top strategies you can use to improve your chances of your candidates saying “yes”.

1. Revisit and Asses Your Company Culture

Culture is growing increasingly important to today’s professional candidates. 46% of employees say company culture is vital to inform their decision of which business to work for. Top performers are consistently attracted to organisations that share their personal values, ethics, and priorities.

What’s more, many of the best candidates in the market today want to see evidence they’re going to be employed in a purpose-led job with genuine meaning. Assessing your company culture and how you highlight your values to your candidates is an important step in making your offer more compelling. Ask yourself what kind of values you highlight in your job descriptions, your business website, and even the reviews and testimonials shared by existing employees.

Does your business reward teamwork and innovation? Do you have a strong focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, to ensure everyone feels aligned in your workforce? Making a company ‘culture’ tangible isn’t easy, but should run through the DNA of your business, including any externally facing communications and collateral where possible.

2. Refine Your EVP

After you’ve ensured you’re communicating your company’s ‘culture’ through self-written messages as well as social proof through employee testimonials, it’s time to start looking at your Employee Value Proposition (EVP). Your EVP is essentially everything you offer your candidates that sets you apart from other employers in the specific practice area and/or region in which you operate.

While there’s more to a good EVP than salary, it’s worth making sure you’re paying your employees what they deserve. Research the typical pay rates for the kind of jobs you’re trying to fill, and make sure you take the value of your candidate’s knowledge, skills, and experience into account.

Recruiters in particular have a wealth of knowledge here and can offer pragmatic guidance on salary averages based on the specific role(s) you are hiring for, and how these can (and do) vary by region.

Beyond a competitive pay package, you can also improve your EVP by looking at your wider benefit offerings, flexible working patterns, and more.

Once you’ve defined your EVP, make sure it stands out wherever you’re going to be interacting with candidates. Share information about your benefits and opportunities on your website, and discuss options with potential talent during the interview process (a great way to test how they land and would be received by potential new hires).

3. Focus on Empathy and Flexibility

In the last couple of years, the priorities of many active jobseekers have evolved in a few key areas. Perhaps the most important factors most are looking for today, are empathy, and flexibility. Demonstrating empathy as an employer shows individuals that you respect their needs, and want to contribute to their general good health and wellbeing.

Creating wellness initiatives designed to keep employees healthy and happy is a great way to make your job offer more appealing to all kinds of candidates. Share information on your website and social channels about mental health days you’ve offered for your staff, or the on-site support you offer for the personal needs of your employees.

From a flexibility perspective, think about how you can adapt to the new working styles of top candidates. Many of today’s professionals are looking for opportunities to work from home, even part-time, to give them a better sense of work/life balance – while others also relish the chance to collaborate in an office environment. Are you able to tap into these needs?

You could even go a step further and experiment with concepts like the four-day work week (a pilot of which is running in the UK at the moment) to give your employees the potential of longer, more rejuvenating weekends. One great way to show empathy and flexibility at the same time is to ask your candidates about their specific needs during the interview process.

4. Demonstrate Opportunities for Growth

Today’s jobseekers want to know there’s a future in any company they’re going to be working for. According to Gallup, 59% of millennials prioritise opportunities to learn and grow when deciding which jobs to apply for.

Making sure your candidates are aware of the opportunities they’ll have to grow in your business will make your job offer more compelling. You can discuss the promotion paths you’ve offered in the past with your candidates during the interview, and outline the training and educational opportunities offered within your job description.

You might even let your possible hires know about the onboarding process you’ll use to welcome them into your organisation, during which you can both work together to outline a path for progression through the company.

It’s also helpful to share information about the development opportunities you offer online. Videos and written testimonials from employees who have achieved their personal and professional goals with your business can make a huge impact.

5. Work with a Specialist Recruiter

Finally, if you really want to ensure your job offers pack a punch (and are accepted!), it’s worth investing in some specialist support. A sector and/or regional specialist will know exactly what it takes to align the right candidates with the correct employers from day one. They can help you to seek out people who are actively looking for the benefits, and culture you offer, and already have a bird’s eye view of general market conditions and who else is hiring in your sector.

Recruiters can save you time by sorting through your job applications and eliminating anyone who might not fit well with your company. They can also provide advice on how you can position yourself to your candidates when you’re writing job descriptions and conducting interviews.

With a specialist recruiter, you can boost your chances of a “yes” when you need it most by building a pipeline of suitable candidates, all carefully chosen to match your business needs – as well as support with the crucial ‘offer management’ stage between both parties for a successful resolution for all.

About Clayton Recruitment

Clayton Recruitment has been partnering with organisations across the country since 1989, and during that time has built up an excellent reputation for trust and reliability.

With specialist divisions covering Commercial, Financial, Marketing and Engineering appointments, on a permanent basis.

Whether you are looking for your next career move, or your next hire as a business owner of HR professional – we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121.

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